In Madison County, 11.9% of residents have dementia related to Alzheimer’s. Age Friendly Health Systems is a national initiative to know and align care with each older adult’s specific health outcome goals and preferences.
In response to the aging population in Madison County, Madison Hospital became the first area hospital to become an "Alzheimer's Friendly Business" in 2018. With cases of Alzheimer's on the rise, an effort to care more compassionately for these patients with disorientation, memory loss, and forgetfulness through the Forget Me Not program was born. Madison Hospital's ENTIRE staff, from the administration and nurses to the food service workers and cleaning crews, are all strategically trained for caring for patients with Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Part of the project involves reducing patients' anxiety by providing specific items that research has shown to help keep dementia patients oriented and calm. This includes "fidget blankets" to help them focus on sensory items instead of becoming overwhelmed by environmental sensory input. While these items have been largely successful to help calm Alzheimer's patients, they are provided free to the patient but not reimbursed by insurance.
Fidget blankets are a quick and comforting way to engage hands and mind in a fun activity that relaxes and calms and orients the patient. They are carefully designed to include various levels of difficulty. The different motions required help to relieve anxiety and keep hands busy in a safe and calming way, often preventing combativeness as well. In fact, just holding a comfortable item can be just what patients need to feel safe in a new situation. It is important to help quell the fears of Alzheimer’s patients and keep them calm so they can receive medical care without behavioral issues.
While we know we can’t reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s, we do know we can make a patient’s experience more comfortable, and possibly even help speed treatment and recovery times if the patient is better able to cooperate and keep from becoming delirious or anxious. This initiative helps us offer more compassionate, comprehensive care, hospital-wide.
A $2500 Community Impact Grant from Madison Visionary Partners allowed Madison Hospital to purchase 90 fidget blankets in June 2024 for patients with dementia or Alzheimer's.
The hospital's compassionate staff is patient-centric with a heart for adults who have memory issues. A hospital stay can be scary for anyone of any age, but especially for this vulnerable population. With this gift Madison Hospital has been able to keep Madison residents calm and focused, allowing for better care by their medical team while they are in the hospital.