Update: All spots have been filled! Thank you to our generous community partners for supporting local students.
Drop off for the backpacks/clothes (right after tax free weekend!) at the following locations:
Sunday, July 28, 1:30-4:30 p.m. at the back patio of the Madison Public Library
Monday, July 29 10:00-4:00 at the West Madison PreK Center
Madison Visionary Partners (MVP) is teaming up with Madison City Schools to assist students in Madison. We are asking local partners to help our students in need by providing a backpack with their school supplies and a new outfit/shoes for their return to school! Currently, we have 98 students district-wide on the list.

Please sign up for the student(s) you wish to support here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F49ACAF22ABF4C70-50037433-support#/
We ask that you fill the backpack that you purchased with items off of the school supply list, and also provide an outfit and pair of shoes for each student. A lot of our partners use reusable bags for the clothes/shoes.
Please TAG Each bag with the ANGEL's NUMBER so we can distribute correctly!Â

If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Davison, Project Coordinator (melissa@mvpmadison.org or 256-384-3763) or Lee Shaw (lshaw@madisoncity.k12.al.us or 256-783-8886).Â
Thank you for your support of our Madison students!