One of the many ways that MVP decided it could make a big difference within Madison is through Community Impact Grants. This micro-grant program is designed for nonprofits and other eligible organizations who want to bring quality-of-life enhancing projects to the people of Madison.
In this first year, we received 21 grant requests totaling $42,000 - which is almost three times the amount that we committed to granting our first year. The MVP Board of Directors is happy to announce that we have selected seven organizations to receive our first Community Impact Micro-grants for projects totaling $14,500.

Congratulations to the following organizations who received funding from the 2023 Madison Community Impact Grant:
E.W.E. Foundation - The Zebra Project - $1250.00
Fantasy Playhouse - Arts Education in Madison City Schools - $2500.00
Huntsville Hospital Foundation/Madison Hospital - Car Seat Safety- $2500.00
Huntsville Library Foundation/Madison Public Library- Music Garden- $2500.00
Madison City Community Orchestra - Fall Concert- $750.00
Madison City Schools - Paws for a Purpose- $2500.00
Opera Huntsville - Opera Bytes: Madison - $2500.00